5 Things You Should Know About an HVAC Filter
HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system) filters are one of the most integral parts of homes. These systems ensure convenient living and can positively impact your lifestyle. However, it is crucial to change the air filters regularly. It is one of the most important parts of the maintenance of HVAC systems, and it makes them work more effectively.
These air filters help to keep away different pollutants and dust particles from entering the HVAC furnace. It also keeps your system safe from getting damaged. If you want you and your family to remain healthy, then air in your home must get filtered. The concentration of air pollutants which are found indoors is higher than the ones present outdoors.
Therefore, it becomes essential to pay attention to the maintenance of the HVAC filters. It removes all the pollutants from the air and keeps it safe and clean, which ensures home wellness. HVAC breakdown mostly occurs when pollutants start to develop inside the system. It can be costly to repair the HVAC system, so to save money, you must change filters on time.
Let’s find out everything you need to know about the HVAC filter.
- Choose the Right MERV Rating
One of the most important things you need to consider while choosing HVAC filters is the MERV rating. This rating shows the efficiency of air filters that ranges from 1 to 20.
A good MERV rating helps the HVAC system trap the tiniest substances and to keep away harmful substances and pollutants. To choose the right MERV rating, you must analyze your lifestyle and requirements.
For example, if you have pets and small children at home, then MERV 10 HVAC filters will be the right choice for you. It will enable the HVAC system to capture debris, mold spores, pet dander, and pollen.
If you are not sure which MERV rating to choose, then you may consult professional HVAC maintenance service providers. It will help you get the right recommendations according to your needs.
- Have Measurement of Furnace Filter
While choosing the air filter, you must have the right measurement of the furnace. You can find this filter in the furnace handler and measure the size in length x breadth x height. You may do it by using a simple measurement tape.
After having the accurate size, you need to round up that number because sometimes the required size could be half an inch more. After having the correct figure, buying the filter will be easier for you.
- Choose the Right Filter Type
There are various filters available in the market with different types and sizes. You must know which type of filter to choose, so it can save you time and effort.
Pleated, Reusable, Fiberglass, and HEPA are four different types of filters. Fiberglass is the disposable filter with the lowest rating, and you may have to change it regularly. You may also opt for Reusable filters, but it may attract more mold.
On the other hand, if you want a moderate MERV rating, then you may go for the Pleated filter. It is best suited for typical houses.
If you are willing to make a one-time investment and want the quality filter with the highest MERV rating, then you should choose HEPA filters. These filters are suitable for healthcare facilities as they restrict airflow.
To pick the right filter, determine the size of your HVAC filter and the weather conditions you live in. As already mentioned above, you may consult professional service providers to get the right recommendation for choosing the filter type.
- Filter Installation
After choosing the filter, the installation phase comes. You may hire a professional to install the filter, or you may also do it yourself. It is a basic process, so you can easily do it by following the simple steps.
Firstly, you need to identify the area where your air filter is present in your HVAC system. You must remove the old filter carefully before installing the new one.
It would be better to determine the direction of airflow and place the new filter accordingly in that direction. To ensure that your filter works properly, air needs to flow through in that direction. You will also see an arrow on the filter that will help you install it in the right direction.
You need to carefully insert the air filter in the slot according to the arrow that shows the direction of airflow. It basically indicates your fan’s direction. After placing it, you need to ensure that there is no gap in the rack of the filter. So, that is how you can install the new filter.
Remember, if you have confusion about anything related to installation, then you must hire the contractor. If anything goes wrong during the installation, then it may damage your HVAC system. The professional knows all the technical aspects of the filter installation, so they can handle everything with care.
- Change the Filter Regularly
After installing the filter, you must know when to replace it. The HVAC filter catches plenty of pollutants daily. With time, it can get clogged and build up a thick layer of dirt which can affect your entire HVAC system.
Not changing filters on also time affects the quality of airflow and makes the entire system ineffective. Depending on which type of filter you use, you have to change it every month. The indoor air quality also matters a lot in this regard.
Also, if you live near an industrial area or have two to three pets at home, then your air quality will not be that good. It means you need to change the filters more often. To decide when it is the right time to replace your air filter, you can just simply take it out and inspect it. Doing this will give you a clear idea of whether you need to change it or not.
Changing HVAC filters is crucial for your health and for your family members. The air quality in your house can significantly impact your overall health, so you must replace the filters of your HVAC system at the right time. Choosing the right filter type and MERV Rating is essential because it can impact the overall quality of the HVAC system.