Health and Fitness

The Ultimate Guide To Building A Workout Routine That Works For You

Building a workout routine requires a high level of intent and trying out different strategies until you stumble upon one that works well for you. An effective routine is determined by several factors you need to consider to avoid coming up with a subpar and inappropriate fitness regimen that may not produce the best possible results. 

If you’re on the path to dedicating yourself to a workout routine soon, here is a guide that’ll show you the ropes of how to achieve just that. Keep on reading to learn more. 

Determine Your Fitness Levels

The routine structure you go for will depend largely on your current fitness level and state. You must create a routine that doesn’t harm you, meaning it has to be just the right duration, intensity, and physical pressure that your particular latest fitness level can handle.

One way of checking your fitness levels is to read a ‘testosterone levels by age groups’ chart and check the results of a testosterone level test that you organized by your trusted doctor. Lower testosterone levels require less intense workout routines as the energy levels are low. On the other hand, higher testosterone levels mean you can participate in more intense exercises as energy levels are higher. Should your doctor flag testosterone levels as dangerously low or too high, appropriate medical intervention will be executed.

Determine The Workout Schedule That Works For You

The time of day or the duration that you can set aside for working out has to be clearly stipulated for the routine to become consistent and effective. To find out what schedule will work best, the following factors may come into play:

Work Schedule

If you have work to attend to daily, your workout routine will have to be built around this for you can’t compromise your work hours. You’ll have to determine how much time you have before, in between, or after work when you can perform your workout. Having determined this, you may then be in the best position to determine the routine that’ll work best for you.

For example, you may have a longer session before work if you wake up early compared to a routine that you may wish to put in during your working hours, such as a lunch break. You may also have more time to dedicate if you decide to work out after work in the evening, for instance, if you don’t have other commitments.

Family Dynamics

If you have young children at home that can’t yet be left unattended, it may mean that you won’t be able to join a gym or take runs around the neighborhood as part of your workout regimen. You’ll then have to create a home-based routine where you can work out in the comforts of your home during a time when the children take a nap, are eating, or are playing with themselves in the backyard.


Considering where you live, you may have to find a workout schedule that works well depending on the weather. In some places, the afternoons are too hot for exercise, meaning your routine has to be during early mornings or late nights.

Check The Available Space

The available space is another determining factor of the workout routine that works for you. 

Case in point, your routine can include early morning jobs around the yard if you have a backyard. But if you don’t have one and are living in an apartment or condo, you won’t be able to implement this kind of workout routine; rather, you can have an indoor routine where you can run on a treadmill.

Consider The Available Equipment

Lastly, your workout routine will depend on the equipment you have available to you. Perhaps you have an indoor gym, meaning your routine will revolve around the equipment you have in your home. If you don’t have any access to an indoor facility, perhaps your workout routine will depend on the furniture you have in your house. You can use heavy items such as dumbbells or your balcony rail for pulling exercises, for example. 


Each person will have a different workout routine depending on varying factors. You’ll have to determine the time of day you cater to your routine, which may be largely determined by your work schedule, family dynamics, and weather, for instance.

 Plus, your current fitness levels influence the type of fitness protocol you choose and the duration. Check the available space around you so that you can build a routine that works, and lastly, take into consideration the available equipment you can use during your workout routines.