
4 Inexpensive Gift Ideas For Students For Holidays

If you have young students, you know that they love gifts. Sometimes, a great gift for a student, which shows that you appreciate their effort, is a simple star or a flower on your student success board. However, you may want to give them something more meaningful and useful for the upcoming holidays. 

We all have limited budgets, and schools generally do not like giving away too much money on non-essentials, if any. To stay thrifty with the resources you have and still make an impression on your students, you should ask yourself the following questions: 

  1. How old are my students? 
  2. How well do I know them? 
  3. What are their interests? 
  4. What are their weak points?

What is the Best Gift for the Holidays

Answering all these questions should give you an idea of what kind of gifts you should give them. As a good teacher, you should choose gifts that are: 

  • Inexpensive, 
  • Not status symbols, 
  • Useful and practical, and 
  • Memorable. 

4 Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Students

Here are the top 4 inexpensive gift ideas for students: 

  1. A class storybook, 
  2. Personalized items, such as pens, crayons, and notebooks, 
  3. Booklets from a thrift store that match their interests, and 
  4. Personalized ornaments that the students can use. 

A class storybook 

This amazing idea is sure to keep your students waiting with anticipation for your holiday gifts next holiday season as well. The most expensive thing on our list, it still costs way less than you may think. The idea is that you hire essay writing assistance and work with them to make a creative story that involves all your students. You should not spend too much time or money doing this. 

The idea is that your students become aware that they create stories as well. The gift works very well in that it practices their reading and listening abilities and is a great starting point for other activities in upcoming classes. You can implement a whole bunch of exercises here: 

  • Grammar exercises, 
  • Vocabulary building, 
  • Tenses, 
  • Spelling and orthography, 
  • Biology, geography, history facts, etc. 

The only limiting factor with this kind of gift is your imagination. The stories can be as easy or as complex as you want them to be and depending on the reading level of your class. Every page should have a blank space for students to draw or make notes on what they’ve just read if they are young, or the story can contain blanks that the students should fill in to make a personal story. 

Personalized Items 

Personalized items are very popular in any classroom, whatever the age of your students. These inexpensive items can be ordered online and are sure to bring a smile to your students’ faces. Your students will love seeing pens, notebooks, and erasers with their name written on them, and as many teachers say: it settles the ‘Where’s my pen?’ issue for a month or so. 


Booklets are a great gift for any student older than nine. Younger students seem not to be too interested in reading or to be forgetful with their belongings. On the other hand, older students can enjoy the small booklets that you buy on Amazon or in thrift stores. 

The thing is that you should personalize the booklets. If you’ve had the same class for over a year, this is a perfect gift since you should be able to tell what your students’ interests are.  Buy them small but informative booklets and watch their interest spark as they learn about topics they like the most. 

You can either make or buy these booklets. If you make them, they can be in the form of an e-book. This e-book can contain different links to 8 online writing tools or any other school material your students might be interested in. The only important thing is they match students’ interests and reading levels (n+1). 


Ornaments are the last item on our list because they are considered to be the least practical. However, since it is the holiday season, it is safe to assume that most students will have a Christmas tree in their house. In this case, you can give them Christmas tree ornaments that are handmade

There are two ways to make these gifts: you can do it at home, or you can do it together with your students. This way, the Christmas tree ornament can be made into a personalized item that your students themselves made. The making of the ornaments can be a part of a practice activity and can significantly brighten up any class. 

Final Considerations

The holidays are a time of joy and happiness. Choosing the best gifts for your students can be a rewarding activity for both the teacher and their class. Making personalized choices without overspending can help you make a very memorable impression on the students. While it may hold that a teacher should not give too much to their students, giving just enough to keep the holiday spirit alive is the best thing you can do.