Health and Fitness

Impacted Wisdom Teeth: How It Can Affect Your Oral Health

The wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt, and most people have two on the top and two on the bottom, and it is often the case where these teeth do not have sufficient space to erupt naturally. The term “impacted” means that the teeth are obstructed by other teeth and therefore, do not emerge as they should, and in such cases, the Family Dentistry Oshawa would recommend extraction.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

In some cases, there are no symptoms, but usually impacted wisdom teeth damage the other teeth and also can cause an infection. Symptoms include:

  • Swollen Gums
  • Bleeding or Tender Gums
  • Pain in the Jaw
  • Discomfort when Opening and Closing the Mouth

There might also be an unpleasant taste in the mouth, which can be accompanied by bad breath. If you have any of the above symptoms, search online for wisdom teeth removal in Brisbane or in your local area and make an appointment as soon as you can. The dentist can examine you and if your wisdom teeth are impacted, he or she would recommend extraction.

The third row of molars are your wisdom teeth, which usually erupt between the ages of 17-25, and sometimes they can grow through without any issues, yet more often than not, they impact with the surrounding teeth.

Oral Hygiene

When impacted wisdom teeth try to erupt naturally, they can cause the gums to bleed and infection is a real risk, which is another reason why they should be removed. In the event that you have pain or discomfort that comes from the area at the back of your teeth, it is likely caused by wisdom teeth that are impacted, and when they cut through the tender gum tissue, this could be the onset of a painful gum infection. Partially impacted wisdom teeth are difficult to clean, and this is another reason why they need to be removed, and if left unaddressed, bacteria can grow and develop around the partially erupted tooth.

Partial or Complete Eruption

A wisdom tooth might emerge partially, and it could start to grow at any angle, depending on the degree of impact, or it could erupt completely, yet still be trapped between other molars. The reason for this is that there is insufficient room for the third molar to emerge, and without extraction, it will affect the other teeth.

Impacted wisdom teeth will not correct themselves, and the longer they are allowed to develop within a tight confine, the more problems that can arise. In the event you have not had your wisdom teeth removed and you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is highly likely that you have impacted wisdom teeth. The sooner you visit a dentist to have your mouth examined, the better, and once the wisdom teeth have been removed, the symptoms should disappear and your teeth will have adequate room to develop as they should.