Health and Fitness

Tips for Cannabis Growers on Preserving Seeds

Some cannabis seeds are left over from every purchase of plants that are grown outdoors or in a conservatory. These seeds must be preserved within the right conditions and containers to ensure their viability as you grow your business over time. Cannabis seeds have a tough shell, which makes them appear to be very hardy. The seeds are resistant to many weather conditions, but they are not indestructible. Rapid temperature changes or high humidity can damage the seeds. It is possible to keep cannabis seeds viable for up to three years if they are handled properly.

The Most Optimal Conditions For Storing

Seeds that produce larger yields should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark location, according to I49, a renowned cannabis seed bank. Increasing the humidity and temperature, along with direct light, will cause the seeds to germinate and allow the dormant nutrients present within them to be released. In order to maintain the longevity of cannabis seeds, it is a necessity to eliminate light and maintain low humidity and a low temperature.

Maintain a humidity level of between 6% and 9% in your seed cargo area. In addition, you’ll leave the seeds unopened in the original medical-grade glass packaging. Unpacking seeds before preservation may cause fungi to form on them if humidity levels are above 12%.

A stable temperature with minimal fluctuations is also needed for the preservation of cannabis seeds. A dark cupboard with only minor or no temperature fluctuation would suffice for short-term storage. Use a refrigerator or freezer that is rarely opened for long-term storage. Multiple openings of the refrigerator or freezer may cause temperature fluctuations that can be harmful.

What Is The Most Ideal Place To Store?

As the right storage conditions are not required for long-term preservation, it’s a wise idea to store cannabis seeds as if they will be preserved for long periods. Using this method guarantees that seeds will remain viable, regardless of their use.

Marijuana seeds must be preserved in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed. It is common to use black film canisters for short-term storage due to their transparent nature and complete light proofness. If you’re trying to preserve something for a long time, though, glass and metal are the most reliable options. Due to their porous nature, plastic containers are extremely difficult to control humidity.

How To Preserve The Most Valuable Seeds

Cannabis strains that are more hearty typically remain viable for a longer period of time regardless of their lineage. Prior to storing, it is imperative to check for cracks in the seeds. It is advisable to plant seeds that have surface within a couple of weeks if they are likely to have decreased longevity.

Seeds need to be completely dry before they are preserved. Store the seeds in the container with a label that indicates the date, strain, and quantity of seeds.

What Can Be Done To Preserve?

You can store your easy grow seeds for up to three years in a dark cupboard situated in a relatively cool area. When using this method of storing, you must be prepared to deal with temperature fluctuations between different times of the day and seasons. A refrigerator can help maintain a consistent temperature.

As soon as the seeds reach the specified temperature, keep them there until they germinate, if possible. Temperature fluctuations can cause the germination stage to activate and ruin viable seeds.

Germination of cannabis seeds that have been stored for several years is likely to take longer. Likewise, some seeds might not develop roots at all. It’s much better to plant just a couple of seeds at a time. It’s better to get a smaller package.