How To Easily Keep Your Beard Sanitary
It can be quite alarming to know that your beard is close to your mouth and nose. These two serve as pathways for disease-causing germs or bacteria to lurk and enter the body. This is the main reason why you need to keep your beard clean at all times.
However, studies revealed that the beard doesn’t necessarily harbor harmful bacteria. While this information might give you a sense of relief, it’s still important to keep your beard sanitary because it can trap dust, oils, and sweat.
How To Keep Your Beard Clean
If you’re planning to grow your beard, here are some ways you can keep it looking healthy and clean:
Always Wash Your Beard With Shampoo.
It’s advisable to use natural shampoo when washing your beard. It would be best if you did this at least three times a week to ensure that your beard remains fragrant. Washing your beard regularly also prevents the accumulation of dirt, sweat, and excess oil on the hair strands. These can irritate your skin and cause other issues like acne.
In choosing a shampoo for your beard, choose one that is sulfate-free. It’s better to choose a shampoo that’s made from natural ingredients to prevent the ingestion of toxic chemicals.
Don’t Forget To Hydrate And Condition Your Beard.
You need to hydrate your beard regularly for the skin and hair strands to lock in moisture. Conditioning your beard also keeps it soft and shiny. There are different beard oils available in the market—make sure you get ones that contain essential oils and extracts.
Brush Your Beard.
After applying oils or conditioners, you can spread it evenly through the hair strands by using a beard straightening brush. You can also use your hands to massage the root part of your beard to stimulate the skin under the hairs.
If you’re unsure how to brush your beard, follow these steps properly:
Step 1: Hold your brush or comb so that the bristles are pointed upward. Relax your grip—similar to how you would handle a toothbrush.
Step 2: Brush your beard in an upward motion to direct it away from your face. This is done so you can separate the hairs of the beard.
Step 3: When you come across a snag, gently pull it with your brush. Take your time in brushing the strands properly.
Know When To Trim Your Hairs.
It can be tempting to cut your beard frequently and style it according to your taste. However, it’s important to let your beard grow and leave it untouched for about four to six weeks. This will allow it to grow evenly as some hairs might grow faster than the others.
Once the hairs are long enough to trim, you can start maintaining them according to the length you’re comfortable with. It’s more preferable to trim your beard using scissors instead of hair trimmers. This is because trimmers can cause split ends when used on beards. Meanwhile, when you use scissors, you can effortlessly cut the hairs based on your desired style.
Disinfect It Regularly.
Although harmful bacteria are less likely to stick to your beard, you still need to keep it extra clean. Beards can capture dirt, dust, and even food particles. If left uncleaned, all of these elements can cause harmful bacteria to grow and lead to serious skin problems.
Thus, you need to disinfect your beard every after shampoo. Many antibacterial beard balms also contain oils that help soften your beard while preventing bacteria buildup.
Don’t Forget To Clean Your Mustache.
People tend to forget that their mustache also needs some TLC. Your mustache can also capture dirt and food particles, so you need to wash and condition it regularly to keep the surrounding skin moisturized. Use mild soap in cleaning your mustache. Then, use hot water to rinse it thoroughly.
Keeping your beard sanitary is not just about following a routine—it’s also about using products that are proven to be effective in keeping beards clean. There are several products you can choose from to keep your beard soft and sanitized. Some of the most popular products include shaving soaps, beard oils, conditioners, and deodorants. Using the right products for your hair type must also be considered. If you’re unsure which product suits you, talk to a face care professional or an expert. That way, your beard will get all the necessary care for it to remain healthy and clean.